
Merlin and The New Camelot

The Birth of Collective Christ Consciousness
Awakening to Your Spiritual Destiny? Merlin's Wisdom will guide you to The New Camelot. Get your ebook instantly or order the paperback from Amazon.

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$19.95 Paperback Ι $11.99 Ebook

246 Page, 6×9 Trade Paperback

Are you feeling the stirrings of a Spiritual Awakening? The world is evolving, and so are we. In the pages of this special book, Reverend Alison L. James, with 30 years of spiritual dedication, combines Merlin’s insights with her own expertise, providing a rich tapestry of knowledge for metaphysical seekers. Merlin and The New Camelot: The Birth of Collective Christ Consciousness unlocks the mystical world of Merlin and the transformative power of Christ Consciousness. ​Perfect for spiritual seekers, lightworkers, and anyone interested in metaphysical teachings, this book offers a deep dive into the Wisdom of Merlin and Christ Consciousness, including: ​​

  • Explore the profound teachings of Merlin and envision King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable from a new perspective that evokes the Supreme Love and Grace of Spiritual Teachers throughout Time. ​
  • Engage in guided meditations for Inner Alchemy and Self-Transformation. ​
  • Learn to draw and use the Prema Agni® and Prema Dharmadhatu® Sacred Symbols for Healing of the Heart, and receive the Rising Star® Healing System for Vibrational Expansion.
  • Integrate the teachings of Avatars and Enlightened Beings from different cultures and religions. ​
  • Understand the spiritual significance and contributions of animals to humanity’s evolution. ​
  • Follow guidelines for Self-Mastery and embrace your journey towards becoming a Christed Being. ​
  • Participate in the creation of The New Camelot, a world built on Love, Peace and Collective Christ Consciousness. ​

Embrace the Magic and Vision of Merlin and The New Camelot. ​Begin your journey of Spiritual Transformation today! ​