Our Mission
I am here to be a resource for the Ascension Process upon Mother Earth. My goal is to facilitate Oneness through Cosmocracy® with the Great Spiritual Hierarchy of Light. Together with my eternal partner, Ascended Master Merlin, we bring Starlight Expressions of Light, Channeled Readings, Cosmic Workshops, Spiritual books, articles, and recordings, Healing Sessions, Sacred Ceremonies, and Transformational Tours. Our Mission encompasses Personal Growth, Consciousness Expansion, Frequency Calibration and Self-Empowerment through Divine Infusions of Universal Love, Light, Healing and Wisdom are intended for Personal Alchemy and Inner Transformation. Our shared participation in this Mission is for the Highest Good of All as we create with Universal Love The New Camelot, the New Golden Age of Light upon Planet Earth.”
Rev. Dr. Alison L. James
a/k/a Al-Ra Hara Ti-Ka
Everyone has a certain mission on Earth. No one has come in vain. —Beinsa Douno/Peter Deunov
Our Mission
I am here to be a resource for the Ascension Process upon Mother Earth. My goal is to facilitate Oneness through Cosmocracy® with the Great Spiritual Hierarchy of Light. Together with my eternal partner, Ascended Master Merlin, we bring Starlight Expressions of Light, Channeled Readings, Cosmic Workshops, Spiritual books, articles, and recordings, Healing Sessions, Sacred Ceremonies, and Transformational Tours. Our Mission encompasses Personal Growth, Consciousness Expansion, Frequency Calibration and Self-Empowerment through Divine Love Infusions of Universal Love, Light, Healing and Wisdom are intended for Personal Alchemy and Inner Transformation. Our shared participation in this Mission is for the Highest Good of All as we create with Universal Love The New Camelot, the New Golden Age of Light upon Planet Earth.”
Rev. Dr. Alison L. James
a/k/a Al-Ra Hara Ti-Ka
Everyone has a certain mission on Earth. No one has come in vain. —Beinsa Douno/Peter Deunov