Working with Alison is like being wrapped in a warm hug. Whether you are receiving energetic healing or simply sitting in conversation with her, you quickly come to feel the depth of her knowledge, and more importantly the deep love that guides all she does and says. I can always feel the healing, loving energies flowing through her to me. Time spent with Alison has truly and deeply enriched my life in so many ways!"—PENNY FISHER
About Reverend Dr. Alison L. James
For over three decades, Alison has dedicated her life to the exploration and mastery of the spiritual realms, walking a path illuminated by her own Inner Starlight along with Guidance from Spiritual Masters. Now, she extends her hand to guide you on your unique journey of Ascension, empowering you to unlock your highest potential and embrace the Transformative Energies of our time.
Alison is a multifaceted spiritual leader, embodying the roles of Author, Channel, Healing Facilitator, Metaphysical Teacher, Non-Denominational Minister, Ascension Energy Anchor and Cosmic Code Activator. She operates under the unwavering guidance of her own spiritual intuition, committed to being of Service to Humanity and the Planet. Working in close collaboration with her heavenly counterpart, Ascended Master Merlin, and the luminous Spiritual Hierarchy of Light, Alison bridges the gap between the Earthly and Galactic dimensions. She is a Messenger, delivering profound Wisdom from the higher realms; a Mediator, facilitating connection and understanding between worlds; and an Activator, igniting the dormant potential within each individual.
Her journey has been one of profound spiritual exploration, accumulating a wealth of experience and wisdom that now form the cornerstone of her offerings. In these pivotal times of global awakening, Alison presents the Starlight Individual Development Packages—a comprehensive resource designed to support those ready to embark on their own path of Inner Transformation. Humanity is collectively rising to a greater level of consciousness and responsibility, and within this grand shift, it is your personal Inner Transformation that holds the key to the changes you seek.
The emergence of a new world order, “The New Camelot,” as envisioned in her books co-authored with Ascended Master Merlin, is upon us. This is not a distant ideal but a tangible reality unfolding within each individual who chooses to awaken to their divine potential. Through Alison’s guidance, you will come to understand and realize the loving, cosmic nature of your soul’s blueprint, accelerating your own Ascension process and contributing to the collective shift in consciousness.
Alison’s connection to Source is profound and unwavering. With deep love and compassion, she assists you in navigating your own deep transformation, guiding you through the alchemical process of aligning with your Higher Self. Her unwavering devotion to her work and Mission is evident in every reading, channeling, counseling and healing session. In alignment with Spirit, Alison acts as a catalyst, stimulating and enhancing your own unique evolutionary journey.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Alison for many years now. Her wit, vast knowledge of ancient and spiritual wisdom and her deep felt passion for empowering and bringing healing to humanity make her a beautiful friend. One can always rely on her making herself available for support and guidance. Having worked with Merlin for as long as she has, Alison embodies the violet flame and the magic that he stands for making her a powerful tool of healing and transformation herself.—BRIGITTE BOYEA, Light Bridge Center for Transformation, Clinton, NJ
Alison’s Diverse Expertise and Credentials:
- Prolific Author: Offering books filled with essential Spiritual and Metaphysical Wisdom.
- Channel for Ascended Master Merlin: Sharing channeled Wisdom and Insights from her heavenly counterpart, Ascended Master Merlin, and other Masters.
- Metaphysical Teacher: With over 30 years of dedicated spiritual study and practice, providing spiritual guidance and support.
- Advanced Healing Facilitator, Ascension Energy Anchor, and Cosmic Code Activator: Utilizing the Rising Star and other high-vibrational modalities to facilitate Healing and Transformation, Alison also calls forth universal energies for humanity’s evolution.
- Ordinating Minister, Doctor of Cosmocracy™ and Wedding Officiant (Non-Denominational): Church of the Creator, Ashland, Oregon, guiding the individual towards the collective anchoring of Unity and Oneness.
- Certified Crystal Healer: From the Crystal Academy of Advanced Healing Arts in Kauai, Hawaii.

In getting to know Alison over the past several years, to my delight I quickly realized I had met someone with great wisdom of the spiritual arts. She lovingly sets many of life's mysteries on the table for you and explains them with the sophistication of a great scholar. From her books to her healing sessions and workshops, I highly recommend considering any of her numerous offerings to help you on your own personal path to enlightenment.—MIKE S.