Alison’s Interview on Blog Talk Radio



Press Release                   

Press Release for
Rev. Dr. Alison L. James

Show Date: Friday, November 10th, 2023, at 11:00 AM EST


New York, NY In the beloved tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable, the famous catchphrase was “All for One, One for All.”  This was the motivating principle of “Camelot” where everyone was loved, included, trusted and of equal value. Imagine if we all lived by this precept today, realizing our Divinity and living in a world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. Many of us are seeking the path to Enlightenment and Spiritual Awakening. The wonderful news is that we are ascending! When we all work together to build “The New Camelot”, we move towards the realization of our God Self of Christ Consciousness and Love.

Alison is a highly sought-after Spiritual Coach, Channeler, Healing Facilitator, Metaphysical Teacher, Non-denominational Ordinating Minister, Doctor of Cosmocracy®, Ascension Energy Anchor, Cosmic Code Activator and author of Merlin and The New Camelot: The Birth of Collective Christ Consciousness. More of her written works are available in eBooks found at her website,, as well as her program “The Starlight Path”, teachings, recordings and videos. Her new book, Merlin’s Alchemy for The New Camelot: Man’s Cosmic Destiny, is about to be launched.

My mission is to be of service to the Light, to humanity and to Mother Earth. I channel my heavenly counterpart, Ascended Master Merlin, for Illumination, Energies and Enlightenment. In order for us to build “The New Camelot”, we must live balanced lives and this is achieved by first looking inward and healing and loving ourselves. Then we can embody empathy for and maintain better relationships with others. We can create a more compassionate world. Jesus said it best when he told us to “love ye one another”. Also, the Buddha told us to follow “the Middle Way”, meaning that we can overcome suffering by following the “middle path” and not going to extremes.”

In America today, conflict and violence have been erupting among a deeply divided political class. On a global scale we are facing wars, rebellions, extreme poverty and alarming levels of racism. Alison emphasizes how we must recognize that we are all directly and indirectly affected by these happenings. What affects one affects us All. We must take responsibility for our actions and dare to make a difference for the benefit of All and Mother Earth. Shifts are happening.

According to Alison, if we hope to live in The New Camelot, we must find compassionate ways of living and become Unconditional and Universal Love ourselves. This is not a foreign concept to us. It is deeply rooted and imprinted in each one of us and we are remembering. Together we can become an inclusive, all-encompassing society in which race, religion and culture do not divide us. What matters above all is the Love in our hearts.

As a Channeler, I work with Ascended Master Merlin who is my partner on the other side. I channel messages from him as well as other Ascended Masters. I am a Lightworker working with Spirit utilizing a broad gamut of teachings and healing systems in my offerings in “The Starlight Path”. For example, I offer “The Rising Star” Healing System which is an ancient cleansing and activating system for our entire being, used to help us maintain a Higher Vibration of Love, Joy and Peace.

Through “The Starlight Path”, Alison assists individuals by helping them accelerate their journey and evolution. It includes teachings, healings and mentoring.

In her first book, Merlin and The New Camelot: The Birth of Collective Christ Consciousness,Alison describes how seeds of spirituality were planted in the Camelot of old in southwest England. This book contains a broad scope of Spiritual Wisdom and she examines the roles of Merlin as the Architect of Camelot and Arthur as King. The new sequel, Merlin’s Alchemy for The New Camelot: Man’s Cosmic Destiny is focused on how we will create “The New Camelot” and the personal and spiritual adjustments we must make to achieve it. Alison also describes some new perspectives that will be necessary to facilitate this shared future, and some things we have not as yet developed.

We are moving towards a utopian society built on Unconditional Love, Truth, and Peace that we All dream of. In my new book, I reveal other aspects of our lives that are lying dormant or that haven’t been addressed. We are, in fact, living within a Cosmic Democracy within the Cosmos, a “Cosmocracy®”, whether consciously or unconsciously. How we connect more fully with the Energies and Beings in the Universe is a major step for humanity yet to come. “The New Camelot” will be a glorious Golden Age, an expanded way of being in the years ahead.

Alison is a Non-denominational Minister within Church of the Creator (“COTC”) based in Oregon. This is not a church in the traditional sense, but an organization of like-minded individuals working under the auspices of the Great White Brotherhood of Light in the Office of the Christ in the Higher Realms. Alison explains that at gatherings a group dynamic is formed that forms a Merkaba and connects with the grids of the planet. It expands the energy of what every individual is doing and helps the group as a Collective to work with greater efficacy. Church of the Creator is reaching out to unify humanity and expand Christ Consciousness. As an Ordinating Minister, Alison brings others into this ministry through the “Avalon Orientation”. For further information, contact Alison at:

We behold each other as we move forward on our personal journeys as well as within the Collective. It’s a powerful and effective way for us to align and expand our shared goals.

A new way of living will eventually emerge based on Unconditional Love, Peace, Harmony and Truth. It is important for us to realize that how we choose to evolve personally affects the Collective. When we become aligned with Source, everything we do individually will have far-reaching effects on Mass Consciousness and our shared Ascension process.”

Alison emphasizes it will not be such a different world physically, polarities will still exist. But it will be a happier place because we will love and respect each other without harsh judgement and attachments. We will embody and look for the Highest Good, Wisdom and outcome in All things for All people.

We must learn to balance the love in our hearts with our Thoughts and Actions. It is already happening in a major way through the return of the Divine Feminine bringing Love to our planet. Love shifts people in terms of their Energy and Consciousness. Love, Will and Wisdom are the fronds of the Three-Fold Flame of our hearts burning within us. As we work on ourselves and allow ourselves to heal, we can develop very positive outcomes for us All. We need to heal our issues and become as clear a vessel as possible so that Higher Vibrations can take root within. It requires a proactive attitude on the part of every individual. My role and that of so many Lightworkers is absolutely and unequivocally to bring forth Christ Consciousness to humanity.”

It is, therefore, up to us to create this New World, to embrace these ways of being. This is what Alison is presenting in Merlin’s Alchemy for The New Camelot: Man’s Cosmic Destiny.

It will be a true democracy with the Spiritual Hierarchy, a Cosmocracy®. We will align with the Highest Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, as we recognize our own Divinity. We are getting so much help already from the Ascended Masters and other Enlightened Beings in the Universe. They are asking us to join them in a world and Consciousness of Love and Joy where no one needs to suffer. Eventually, we will All take our rightful place in the Universe. In my new book, Merlin’s Alchemy for The New Camelot: Man’s Cosmic Destiny”, I describe how this can be achieved.”

Live with someone’s love, not for someone’s love. ~ Merlin