Coming Soon!
Merlin’s Alchemy for The New Camelot: Man’s Cosmic Destiny
In this life-changing book, Rev. Dr. Alison L. James describes Man’s next steps to transform the Self in readiness for The New Camelot, our shared New World on planet Earth. Working with her heavenly counterpart Ascended Master Merlin and the Great Spiritual Hierarchy of Light, a wealth of Teachings and Insights are set forth in order for humanity to step further onto the Spiritual Path and achieve Christ Consciousness within the Cosmocracy® of the Universe.
The Author describes much of what has laid hidden from Man as well as what lies ahead. It includes Alchemical Transformation for both the Individual and the Collective to establish Christ Consciousness on planet Earth, as presented in the prequel Merlin and The New Camelot: The Birth of Collective Christ Consciousness. At this time of Great Shift for humanity, you are being asked to rediscover your Truth, to reassess your Intention and allow your Personal Evolution to unfold on the path to Ascension. A wealth of Information and Guidance is given here for your Transition into the Cosmocracy® while you are here on Mother Earth. You are always being guided and supported by the Love and Consciousness of the Ascended Masters and other great Enlightened Beings in the Universe as you participate in your part of the Divine Plan.
You will find both Revelation and Reason here for your Healing and Expansion at this important time of Transition. Prepare to be amazed and inspired as you gain a deeper Understanding of the Wisdom and Illumination presented by Alison L. James. Her Love and Devotion for the establishment of The New Camelot, our shared New World, pours forth from every page. Your Cosmic Destiny is at hand and awaits your Choice and Participation.