The Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters have made their personal transition on the path of Christhood and their souls have merged with Christ. They have attained Self Mastery according to their own will and have returned to God freed from the rounds of karma and rebirth. Their Ascension into the Light is a result of their attaining Victory by overcoming every type of conflict, disease and death. They are described in Revelation 7:14-17 as the great multitude in white robes as follows:

These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence. Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat down on them, nor any scorching heat.  For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

Throughout the Multiverse, the Ascended Masters and other Enlightened Beings are in Service to Universal Love and Light. While they may be invisible to the naked eye, they act as teachers and guides to humanity. Understanding more about them assists human disbelief and the realization that there is life beyond human form. Like them, we may aspire to be Co-Creators as the three-fold flame of our hearts, Love, Power and Wisdom, are ignited. Working singly or in unison, or within a group consciousness, the Masters are assigned spiritual duties as they continue to grow and evolve. As Merlin advises, he never stops learning. This conveys to us the idea that evolution for All continues in the higher realms after the transition of human death. Universal change is eternal, nothing remains static. With this in mind, we realize that avoidance of our challenges and troubles on Earth, even perhaps the contemplation of suicide, is an exercise in futility. We will inevitably face our troubles in one lifetime or another. Better to face them now when at hand rather than postpone further suffering for another day. We may petition the Ascended Masters for their wisdom, guidance and assistance in all matters pertaining to us.

Often the Masters may “stand in” for each other, or assist each other in various ways, perhaps with certain energies such as with the Seven Rays and the Flames of the Universe or working directly with us. Each Ray represents a certain consciousness and pathway of the soul to reach God. Working within the Office of the Christ, the Ascended Masters function alongside the great company of Archangels and Angels within the Great Spiritual Hierarchy of Light. This latter entity is so named more to assist our human understanding of their Oneness, cooperation and consciousness rather than their need for structure or titles. Their elevated frequencies and telepathic communication can reach us instantaneously from great distances.

The Ascended Masters often work collectively in Councils to assist us and through assemblages such as the Galactic Federation of Light that is a body overseeing the operation and maintenance of planetary principles on a galactic level. Certain Ascended Masters host etheric retreats around the globe to train earthly Initiates for their Ascension. Many, many human souls who have crossed over, will go back to spiritual school in the higher dimensions with the Ascended Masters to learn to address certain challenges that they may have to face in their next lifetime. The school of Earth, with its densified energies, ensures and amplifies the grounding of certain lessons in one’s lifetime to be carried forward within our energetic being. The Masters assist us with all manner of issues and are readily available to communicate with us. Souls on Earth who have the desire to accelerate their Ascension can be prepared for this expansion. Similarly, many souls who have crossed over to the higher dimensions may be seeking to increase their spiritual quotient by working alongside the Masters and with us.

Having transitioned past the internal struggle of the ego, the Ascended Masters are not motivated for the self in the same way as we are on Earth. The process of Ascension has lifted them to a level of God-Consciousness that we have yet to attain — or remember – it is all encoded within us. We may think of them as individuated souls who have an identity and a specific role to play at any given time. They may work with us for the expansion of certain aspects of being and then rotate to work with others.  While their God-qualities may be best known to them, they have likely differentiated their individual expression through a particular form of Service. Merlin is a good example of this; in his persona as a magician, he offers both expansive and specific forms of alchemical transformation.

By continuing to work with us on an intimate level, and despite the fact that they have dropped their emotional body, the Ascended Masters remain fully cognizant of our inner struggles. They may register or feel our emotional pain, but they do not hold on to it. In their crystalline light bodies, they hold, emanate and step down to us much higher vibrational energies to the extent that we may receive same without difficulty. We may petition them to galvanize our spiritual and energetic quotients during personalized healing sessions and in meditation. To receive their wisdom, guidance and energies is a gift of Grace. They continue to exhort our Service to humanity and our dedication to work with them in Service to all lifeforms on the planet. Conversely, we may ask them to work alongside us. Our goal is their goal: the Ascension of mankind and Mother Earth.

Service to man is Service to God.

An Introduction to Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Galactic Beings

The following is a selection of Ascended Masters, Archangels and Galactic Beings with whom I have come into contact. It is by no means an exhaustive list, nor does each description contain information to the fullest extent available. Each description here is intended to be an introduction to the Enlightened Being with a message of invitation to you. There are innumerable Beings of Light who may come to assist you on your journey to Ascension and who hold Planetary, Galactic and Universal energies. They may elect also to remain anonymous.

Commander Ashtar Sheran

Affectionately known as Ashtar, Commander Ashtar Sheran is the Head of Fleet Command for the Galactic Federation of Light. He upholds the consciousness and mission for the fleet of lightships to transport and maintain galactic activities on a grand universal scale. He oversees the missions of the Alcyone Pleiadian High Council among others, including the Ascension of our planet Earth. Together the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy are bridging the gap for us in consciousness and spiritual awareness. Great efforts are underway to assist our evolution. Commander Ashtar says:

Dear Humans,

When the collective of humanity is of one mind and heart in the fifth-dimensional paradigm of Unconditional Love, it is then that we shall appear to you with greater regularity. In the interim, our love and support for you is immense and we watch with great eagerness your evolution both spiritually and scientifically. Those who are ready to communicate with us and benefit from our Universal Knowledge and Wisdom are invited to receive our messages to be spread on Earth. It is your journey, not the destination that matters.

In Love and Service,
Commander Ashtar

Lord Gautama Buddha

Globally and universally revered, Gautama Buddha is a World Teacher and Holder of Light for this planet. Worshipped in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres, Gautama Buddha is a Grand Master and Teacher for the evolution of human consciousness and all beings who spread the Word of God. In 1955 he took the office of Lord of the World, enabling his predecessor Sanat Kumara to return to Venus. Gautama Buddha is the Supreme Authority over the Spiritual Hierarchy. He steps down the Kingdom of Heaven through his embodiment as the Love of God. He addresses us here:


It is a great joy and honor for me to be able to communicate with you directly. For eons we have strived to bring awareness of the Presence of God through all religions and cultures. It is now time for each individual to know for himself that he is a part of the grand scheme of Almighty God and that he may choose to accelerate his path towards Divine Knowledge, Wisdom and Righteousness. It matters not which path you take, for you shall reach your intended goal with the help of many Enlightened Beings in the Universe. You too may follow their lead towards the Ascension of your soul.

In Love and Service to Humanity,
Lord Gautama Buddha

Archangel Gabriel

From the Bible we know Archangel Gabriel as the Angel of Revelation or Announcement, the heavenly messenger who announced the coming birth of Jesus to Mary and the shepherds. It is Gabriel who tells Joseph in a dream that he will serve as the father of Jesus. Sometimes Gabriel appears with a masculine energy, and other times with a feminine energy, but he/she is both. Gabriel is always associated with the element of water, Autumn, the direction of the West, the emotions, inspiration, intuition, maturity and change, as well as the trumpet and a white or copper-colored light. Archangel Gabriel will assist with you with your hard challenges as well as your purification and cleansing.

Dear Ones,

There is no time more important than this very moment as you read these words. I come to assist you break free from the chains of negative fear and thinking from the past. Take notes when you hear me speaking through you. I am attuned to your growth and spiritual potential. Trust that sense when higher thoughts or energies are coming to you. Expect the unexpected and follow your train of thought to a new destination. Love and gentleness, trust and faith will guide all your outcomes.

Love and Blessings to You,
Archangel Gabriel

Mother Isis

The mighty Egyptian Goddess Isis was the first daughter of Geb (the earth god) and Nut (the sky god) followed by her brothers Osiris, Horus the Elder, Seth and her sister Nephthys. She was a protégé of Master Magician Thoth and recognized for her magical and healing powers and her motherly qualities. Among the many temples dedicated to Isis (found in Rome, Pompeii, Paris, London, Ephesus and Greece) is the constructed island of Philae located in a reservoir downstream of the Aswan Low Dam and Lake Nasser in Egypt. The qualities and attributes of Isis within the mythic legend require little explanation when we understand her undying love for and devotion to her husband Osiris, her grief at his murder and her toil and determination to resurrect him. To the Westerner, Isis may be considered the Egyptian counterpart of Mother Mary, but we acknowledge their individuality as well as their similarities. The cow-headed diadem of Isis also graces Goddesses Hathor (in whose steps she follows) and Nut. The virtues and accomplishments of Isis are extolled in The Four Greek Hymns of Isodorus and the Cult of Isis and in the Aretalogy of Isis that begins as follows:

“I am Isis, the mistress of every land, and I was taught by Hermes and with Hermes I devised letters, both the sacred hieroglyphs and the demotic, that all things might not be written with the same letters.

I gave and ordained laws for men, which no one is able to change.

I am eldest daughter of Cronus.

I am wife and sister of King Osiris.

I am she who finds fruit for men.

I am mother of King Horus.

I am she that rises in the Dog Star.

Mother Isis speaks to us here:


It is of great significance for humanity that the Egyptian gods, in all their splendor, are accessible as much today as over the past five thousand years. We are available to assist you in all aspects of your life 24/7. We are here for you in space and timelessness to tend to your thoughts, emotions, situations and all pertaining to your lives. The path of the Ancient Egyptian need not be your path, but the principle remains the same: the weight of your heart determines your outcome, as much in your present life as in the next.

Allow me, Isis, to guide your steps to self-mastery and to become an Ascended Being of Love and Light. Bring me your woes and challenges and l will assist your overcoming them. Know in your heart that these things, and more, are possible despite outward appearances and global events. Your part on the world stage is as important to the whole as that of any Ascended Master. Trust deeply in yourself and together we shall build a new world, the dream of the Collective. Love, life and the pursuit of happiness are your portion.

With great Love and Support for you,
Mother Isis

Master Hilarion

Ascended Master Hilarion is the Chohan (Lord) of the Fifth Ray (Green) from the Flame of Healing and Manifestation. He too is a Perfected Being of the Great White Lodge of Sirius, a great center and initiating force for cosmic consciousness. Master Hilarion works with science and writing (poetry), sound and color, and alchemy. Among his former lives he was known as the philosopher Iamblichus of Syria (Founder of the School of Neoplatonism), Saint Hilarion of Palestine (living as a hermit in the desert) and Saul of Tarsus who met Jesus the Christ on the road to Damascus and was converted to Christianity. Much of our metaphysical understanding today comes from his time and writings as Apostle Paul, a follower of Jesus. He speaks to us here:

Beloved Followers of the Path,

It is with great devotion I come to speak to you here through these pages. I would like to convey how deeply and sincerely I recommend you take up your staff and walk, seeking your own I AM Presence and that inner sanctum of Love and Peace that rests within your heart. Your lives shift and change with great regularity, but through it all, finding the sacred inner sanctum of your heart will bring about the changes you seek for yourselves and your world. The alchemy of your soul awaits. I am ready to assist your healing process and realignment with your I AM Presence. Do not wait for the perfect time; start now, wherever you may be. I, Hilarion, will speak to you on all matters pertaining to your Truth.

In Loving Alchemy,
Master Hilarion

Lord Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus

Lord Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus

Known as the Ancient of Days, Lord Sanat Kumara has emblazoned a trail of Love and Selfless Service for planet Earth. Over eons his personal evolution through many lifetimes both here and elsewhere led him to love and trust in Oneness with the Father. He pleaded on humanity’s behalf avert the dissolution of the Earth. He dedicated his life and Light to save the lifestreams upon the Earth and came with 144,000 Masters to establish Love, Peace and Harmony here. His cohort, Lady Venus encouraged his return to Earth and released him to fulfill his Cosmic Service, patiently awaiting the completion of his goal from afar. Sanat Kumara ultimately became the Planetary Logos for the Earth, holding the consciousness for its Ascension and that of its people. He relinquished this role to Gautama Buddha in the last century. Blessed Sanat Kumara says:

Dearest Children of the Earth,

Long have been the travails to preserve your lives on your planet. It is with a great Love and Sacrifice of many that your lives are able to continue on Earth and for a greater purpose within the Cosmos. You are invited to join Lady Venus and I in prayer, meditation, Love and Servitude for the Highest Good of humanity, including yourselves. We are so grateful for all your efforts to establish the consciousness of Unconditional Love and Oneness on the planet.

With Our Great Love for You,
Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus

Master Kuthumi

Ascended Master Kuthumi, or Koot Hoomi Lal Singh, was a Kashmiri Brahman in his last incarnation and became known as K.H, when his extensive travels and studies led him to Gustav Theodor Fechner, a philosopher and pioneer of psychological research. In 1875, together with El Morya, he established the Theosophical Society headed by Helena Blavatsky, a foundation for Eastern and Western religions and spiritual Truth. He was also known for his incarnation as one of the three wise men, Balthazar and his knowledge of astronomy and astrology. Kuthumi is now a great Cosmic Teacher of Wisdom.

Dear Students,

I encourage you to study the paths of the Ascended Masters so that you may walk in their footsteps. Their teachings and legacies have much to offer every individual who would expand the sights and horizons for his own journey. There is no one soul lesser than or greater than the next. If you will apply yourselves, you will fill your shoes to overflowing. We love and support you and look forward to your enthusiastic self-application to your growth and Ascension.

Standing next to You,
Master Kuthumi

Lady Kwan Yin

Lady Kwan Yin (or Guan Yin or Quan Yin), the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion, is one of the major deities in Buddhism and the art of feng shui. Worshiped in China, Korea, Japan and Malaysia as a Sacred Mother, she offers the nectar of Wisdom and Compassion from a sacred vase held in her hands. She works tirelessly as a Divine Protector and Benefactor to help families and children. She turned away from Nirvana in order to remain and serve humanity. Holding this vow, Lady Kwan Yin is known as the female Bodhisattva. She speaks to us here:

My Dear Fellow Humans,

Your love and courage will always be called upon for you to move along your path to growth and Ascension. It is the Divine Father and Mother’s Love for you that will carry you through. Along the way share what you have, give a hand to the poor and needy and be of good cheer. The Light is within you and shines upon you every morning to greet you. Fear not what might befall you, rather shine your Light on all that comes within your sphere of influence. I am with you in all your relationships and comings and goings. Call on me to find peace of mind as you slay your inner dragons.

In Devotion to You,
Lady Kwan Yin

Lord Lanto

Much beloved Lord Lanto is the Chohan of the Second Ray, the Golden Ray of Illumination. He is an ancient Chinese Master now teaching Americans the way to Christ. He is the Overseer at the Royal Teton Retreat, Wyoming, where he carries forth the Golden Flame of Cosmic Christ Illumination. He held God consciousness for China for centuries and was taught by Sanat Kumara, Lord Himalaya, Gautama Buddha and Lord Maitreya. He is also known as a Master of Precipitation, drawing light and substance from the Universe and transmuting them into form. Working closely with Sanat Kumara and St. Germain, Lord Lanto also counsels souls in the unity of Twin Flames.

Beloveds in Christ,

I am happy that you are finding us here in these pages. It is your own transformation at the inner level of the heart that will propel you to seek and receive the Flame of Illumination. This is not Knowledge and Wisdom alone, but applied principles that become and hold the light and energies of the Golden Flame of Illumination. I am here to assist your assimilation and dissemination of Christ consciousness for the illumination of souls everywhere. I await your presences.

In Love and Christ Light,
Lord Lanto

Lord Maitreya

Lord Maitreya is an ancient soul and great Cosmic Master whose radiance and guardianship of the Earth continues today in his role as the Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha. Such roles have required of him great discipline and devotion. Having passed the Buddhic Initiations, he is often portrayed as the Laughing Buddha. At the same time, he is revered as the great Compassionate One and indeed his name means “lovingkindness”. His presence and influence, while mostly recognized in the Far East and Asia, is universal in scope. He and Lord Gautama followed in the footsteps of Lord Sanat Kumara in the mission to save Planet Earth with the company of 144,000. Maitreya was a chela (student) of Lord Himalaya and the guru of Twin Flames in Lemurian times. As the teacher of Jesus the Christ, among many others, he is ready to engage those Initiates whose love and devotion is tried and true. Today, he teaches from the etheric retreats of the Royal Tetons, Wyoming, and both the Eastern and Western Shamballa (etheric Golden Cities). He is hailed as the coming Buddha.

Beloved Ones,

Your compassion for your fellow man is an indisputable part of the process of your Ascension. I am here to assist you in all your travails, be they large or small, as you learn to walk the way of a loving Citizen of the Universe. For this indeed must be your goal as part of your Ascension, to carry the flame of the Christ within your heart. Smile and the world smiles with you, laugh and the ice of your past melts to form anew the fronds of the fire of love and acceptance of All. No-one may escape the tests and trials of life, but the final Victory lies in your surrender to the God of your Universe. Join me for a close and personal review of all that pertains to you.

In All Love and Laughter,
Lord Maitreya

Lord Mary of Buddha

The Immaculate Conception and the many lifetimes of preparation and devotion on the part of Mother Mary to give birth to Jesus are a testament to the Grace bestowed upon her and that she bestows upon us. As a Divine Mother, her unceasing work to bring Love and an end suffering upon Earth for all the sons and daughters of God, is a Universal wonder for humanity. Her preeminent role to bring the Love of the Divine Feminine to our planet and to heal and empower souls everywhere, accompanied by her own extraordinary expansion of energies within the Universe, presents us with a gateway to access the Universal Love and consciousness held by her Presence. I humbly bring this message:

Beloved Children of God,

I come to embrace you and hold you in the arms of the Great Love of the Creator and Divine Mother. We, the Ascended Masters, implore you to follow your hearts to create the world you dream of for yourselves, for each other and for the planet.  The Many and the One applaud your efforts to shake off the shackles of the past and to stand together in Unity, Love and Peace. Know that you are so loved and supported in all that you choose to do, and I, Mary, hear your prayers and petitions. We are working tirelessly to establish your new world alongside you and in this Age your personal Ascension is a possibility in form. Trust and have faith in yourselves during this period of great transition, learning and overcoming for humanity. You are not alone.

Love and Blessings,
Mother Mary

Lady Mary Magdalene

In our modern era of the “Me Too” movement of women, Mary Magdalene stands as an icon and beacon for the Divine Feminine. Her life was of great significance in her role as the First Female Christed Apostle alongside Jesus of Nazareth. The qualities of courage, loyalty, service, focus, faith, and love that she demonstrated are needed as much today as back then. She displayed a love and devotion, not only as Jesus’s cohort, equal and wife, but also as a living embodiment of his teachings beyond the spoken word. This created jealousies amongst the other disciples, but her Wisdom (Sophia) and Understanding enabled her to bear witness to the Truth of Jesus’ messages of love which he poured into her. Through Mary Magdalene and Jesus the balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine were grounded and made visible. Our Lady Mary Magdalene wishes us to know:

Beloved Ones in Christ,

There is no difference between you and me. The times and the circumstances may have changed, but the path for you is the same as it was for me. If you would seek to know the Truth and to embody the Love and principles of Christ Consciousness, study to show yourselves worthy of such impartation and Wisdom. The teachings are timeless but your devotion to your path is always a necessary component and for your Ascension. Call on me for your inner and outer transformation through

In One Great Love,
Mary Magdalene


Melchior is a much beloved Galactic Master. His loving kindliness and familial support are highly sought in the heavenly realms. While his energies are vast in scope, he is equally at home assisting you with your personal application to your goals and focus. Melchior is highly respected and loved for generosity of spirit and Wisdom. He says:

Dear Hearts,

Join me in reverence and prayer for the holy completion and execution of all your life’s goals. Whenever you are challenged or ill at ease, you will find me in the stillness of your heart ready to buoy your coming forward, your wisdom and evolution. Never doubt the love that you are and the love that the Creator has for you. Be at peace with All in your lives.

In Loving Service,

Lord Melchizedek

Lord Melchizedek (whose name means “King of Righteousness”) is the High Priest next to the throne of God for the star systems. It was said that Jesus the Christ would be a priest forever “after the Order of Melchizedek”. This Order brings Right-Action, Peace and Justice in consciousness, or Christ Consciousness. While his energies and dominion are great, Lord Melchizedek is ready to initiate those lightbearers who are ready to become Priests of Light on Earth and deepen their path into the Light. He says:


Come step further and deeper into the arms of Love and Light of God. Together we shall embody all that the Creator has ordained for us. It is our goal to establish the highest principles of consciousness for All beings everywhere, however long this may take. Your heart and intentions play an important part. Set aside time with me to hone your Will and focus to enable your participation with me to bring this about. Together let us create all that is destined within the great Divine Plan. Each of you is a precious being created for this Divine purpose. I await your Divine hearts and presences.

In Love, Truth and Justice for All,

Lord Merlin

Much loved and recognized for his role within Camelot and the Arthurian tales (as described in our book), Lord Merlin has long transcended his life on Earth in the 6th century. The veracity of his story and role as a wizard remain today a continuing source of fascination and attraction. While the Arthurian tales may have landed him in myth, his magical presence has expanded exponentially beyond our humanness. Even today it remains little known that Merlin taught the mystery school in Camelot, and indeed, imbued Arthur with a consciousness to enable his future life as a king. Today, Merlin’s galactic and planetary energies and all-encompassing presence go far beyond our human definitions. His expansive energies and his loving fatherly presence complement his skills as a Master of Alchemy and Earth Magic. He says:


Do not think me far removed from your presence or sensibilities. I am ready to assist your transformation. Let us join as One in your quest to master your being, your life and your world. Gone are the days of superstition and doubt for those who are ready to embrace fully their spiritual evolution and trajectory to Ascension. Your own magic awaits your command and your integration of Love and Wisdom.

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron is one of two archangels said to have had an earthly incarnation, the other being Archangel Sandalphon. They are powerful angelic intermediaries between heaven and Earth. Metatron is the creator of the outer light programs connecting the visible with the invisible worlds. He is associated with Sacred Geometry (Metatron’s Cube), Mathematics, Numerology and the broad spectrum of color. He is also known as the Scribe of God and the Keeper of the Akashic records. Metatron is also known to have a special interest in children and young adults especially those who are highly sensitive or who have special needs. He tells us:

Dear Children on Planet Earth,

You are the builders and creators of your own destiny. You stand at this important juncture of your evolution with the ability to change your world. The thoughts that you think and act upon form the foundation for your future. There is no time like the present to be heart-centered and practical, to be prepared for change and to let go of the past. A new generation of youth has been seeded into the Earth and will create drastic change for the betterment of the whole. Open your hearts, for these young souls are brave and full of new ideas. Listen to them, share your wisdom with them and teach them all that you know. Planet Earth is on track for its shift into the New Golden Age of Light for humanity. Things are not what they seem. Call upon me to assist you in all your challenges.

In Love, Light and New Blessings,
Archangel Metatron

Archangel Michael

Company of Heaven over eons of time for their protection and service is beyond words. Archangel Michael is the Cosmic Ambassador and Statesman for the Universe. To benefit from his wielding his double-edged sword is to lose what no longer serves you and to stand in faith. His magnificent sword of blue light may be called upon to raise your spiritual quotient and protect the innocents. He is aligned with the direction of the South, Summer, the element of fire, youth and passion; his loving, light-heartedness and joyful presence are an equal wonder. He says:

Blessed Ones on Earth,

Your return to the heavenly realms in your Ascension body is our ultimate goal. We are ready to assist your ultimate transition from form into light and for you to carry Unconditional Love and Universal Christ Consciousness even while on Earth. Our love and devotion to you knows no bounds. You are a prized member of the Human Race and All That Is. We invite you to take up your own sword of light to assist humanity as Lightworkers on Earth, standing in the faith of your I AM Presence.

In Blazing Light,
Archangel Michael

Master El Morya

Ascended Master El Morya is the Chohan of the First Ray (Blue) of Divine Will. El Morya’s lifetimes on Earth, learning and perfecting roles of Leadership, Authority and Justice, give us a powerful example to follow, i.e. to stand in self-sovereignty over ourselves. How we apply ourselves to the small is amplified in the large. Having the courage and fortitude to stand in Divine Will, Love and Wisdom, embodying truth for the highest good of all, is his goal in an ever-expanding realm of influence. Particularly known for his role as King Arthur of Camelot, Abraham, Melchior (one of the three wise men), Thomas Becket and Sir Thomas More, Akbar the Great and Thomas More (the Irish poet), El Morya says:

Dear Followers in Christ,

As you surrender to the Will of God in alignment with all that you are, you will discover answers upon your own throne of Self-Knowledge, Love and Devotion to the Great I AM. I will assist you to master your leadership skills and the ability to stand in the strength and power of your I AM Presence. Ask me about your difficult decisions and questions and I will assist you.

In Love and Devotion,
El Morya


Lady Nada

Lada Nada is a Cosmic Mother and Member of the Karmic Board of eight Ascended Masters. She serves alongside Lord Sananda as a Chohan on the Sixth Ray (Purple and Gold) in the Ministry of the Love of Christ, Peace, selfless Service to God and mankind, and spiritual worship. Her Love, Devotion and Mercy are qualities that she shares with other female Ascended Masters, qualities that are so needed on the Earth plane. Many students in and out form continue to benefit from her gentleness and spiritual fortitude as they apply themselves to the path of Ascension. She says:

Dearest Ones,

Whatever brings you your challenges in your life, know that by returning to your heart center, you will put an end to the constant swing between fear and love. The beauty and love of your own I AM Presence will lead you out of the desert of separation, fear and the temptation to not follow your guidance. I am here to assist you in all your ups and downs of life, be they large or small, of your own making or not. Hold fast to that Highest ideal which lies within you and give thanks and praise to the One Creator for All Things.

I AM with you,
Lady Nada


God Osiris

The Great Egyptian God Osiris, according to legend, was murdered by his jealous brother Seth. Seth invited Osiris to a banquet and brought a chest to be given to the person who fitted it best. When Osiris lay in it, Seth nailed it shut and later dismembered Osiris’ body. Grief-stricken, his wife Isis sought to put Osiris together again and had his body restored and mummified. Thus, Osiris became the guarantor of immortality. Their son Horus, conceived in the ‘other world’, avenged Osiris’ murder and became king in his father’s stead. The Ancient Egyptians upon death, therefore, aspired to be rejuvenated like Osiris and would write in their tombs “the Osiris of (and then write their own name)”.

At the rear of the Temple of Abydos, Egypt, lies the Osireion, a mysterious temple built of very large rectangular blocks of stone, some weighing more than 200 tons. Perhaps this Temple functioned as a bier for Osiris as it is said that Isis found his backbone here. We do know, however, that the stones date back some six thousand years. Following in Osiris’ footsteps, we may seek our Ascension by realigning ourselves by the raising of our djed pillar, one of the symbols associated with Osiris (likened to the raising of Kundalini energy). Atop the Temple of Abydos, in a small chamber on the rooftop, images of a recumbent Osiris in the process of his Ascension illustrate the passage to the other world. In this sacred place, one may evoke his presence and guiding force as one pursues one’s own process. He speaks to us here:

Beloved Initiates,

As you prepare for your Ascension, know that I, Osiris, am ready to assist you in all matters pertaining to the weight of your heart in the earthly realm as well as in the higher octaves. Your hearts are of great significance to the Spiritual Hierarchy of Light and the Universe. Let your lives and your godly attributes speak for themselves at your reckoning of self. I will help you in your own review.

In Love and Service to the Creator,

Master Paul the Venetian

Ascended Master Paul the Venetian is the Chohan of the Third Ray (Pink), the Flame of Cosmic Love and the Planetary Maha Chohan who oversees the dispensation of the Seven Rays. So great an honor has been bestowed upon him to hold the qualities and actions of Love: Unconditional Love, Omnipresence, Compassion, True Brotherhood, Charity, Love in Action, the Love of the Holy Spirit and the Initiations of the Heart Chakra. In his last lifetime as the artist Paulo Veronese, he painted Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist as the Holy Spirit descended as a dove. Paul the Venetian’s loving heart and discerning sensibilities are a great gift for us to discern and develop for ourselves. He says:

Beloved Hearts,

So much beauty, love and wonder are spread at your feet. The love of Almighty God is a force that you may not have realized is working through you, as you and for you. Whatever your gifts and skills, allow this Divine Presence to come through you so that you may show yourselves servants to Love, not as slaves to passion, but as masters of the giving of love to others. There is no greater service. Allow me to unburden the woes in your heart to prepare you for your ultimate journey back to Love.

In Loving Service,
Paul the Venetian

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is known as the Great Angel of Healing of Mind, Spirit and Body. His name means “God has healed” or “the medicine of God”. His divine complement is the Archeia Mary, who was embodied as Mary, the Mother of Jesus. With his healing presence one may experience a great sense of Spirit, illumination, clarity and enlightenment: “Raphael, one of the holy angels, who is over the spirits of men.” (1 Enoch 20:7). He is associated with the direction of the East, Spring, the element of air, truth, wholeness, healing, science, precipitation, the abundant life, music (including the sound of bells chiming) and mathematics. Catholics revere him as the angel who healed the sick at the pool of Bethesda and the Book of Enoch tells us that his responsibilities include healing diseases and the wounds of men. Archangel Raphael says:

Dearest Followers of the Word of God,

I am here to help you discern where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Therein lies the key to your coming forward and your health. I will bridge the gap in your knowledge so that you may see for yourself what adjustments may be needed in mind, spirit and body. Call on me to help mend your wounds, whatever they might be, whatever the source. Rest assured, we do not wish for you to suffer in any wise. Release to me all that no longer serves you and that causes you pain or anguish. Learn to love yourself to the best of your ability.

Wishing you Love, Wisdom and Health,
Archangel Raphael

Sri Sathya Sai Baba (11/23/1926 – 4/24/2011)

Purna Avatar Sai Baba incarnated with full consciousness into the Earth realm from the Great White Lodge of Sirius that provides the spiritual protype for man. In his last incarnation he was, and still is, a Supreme example of Divine Love and Selfless Service. Millions of devotees around the world still visit his ashram in Puttaparthi, southern India. Traditionally Avatars come during a period of great crisis or transition to assist mankind, to show the way back to Oneness with God. Sai Baba’s teachings and presence were of such a spiritual magnitude that his life may be considered a Universal event rather than a lifetime. Nonetheless, libraries of books of his teachings and stories abound, a Supreme legacy for the seeker. The following message is for you:

My Children,

Be Love in all that you do. I still embrace all that is part of the earthly experience. I live on in the hearts of all people everywhere. No-one is separate from me. 

With Great Love for You Always,
Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Master St. Germain

World Renowned and greatly revered, Ascended Master St. Germain is the Overseer of Ascension for planet Earth. After many significant lifetimes on Earth, as Saint Joseph, Saint Alban, Roger Bacon, Christopher Columbus, Francis Bacon (Shakespeare) and the Count St. Germain (the Wonderman of Europe), he is the Universal Keeper of the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection, Chohan of the Seventh Ray (Violet) and the God of Freedom who vowed (together with Mother Mary, Lady Kwan Yin and other angelic beings) to oversee the global transmittal of the Violet Flame to provide a means for man to escape the densified negativities that have ensnared him since the “fall” from Grace. St. Germain and his Twin Ray Lady Portia, Archangel Zadkiel and Divine Complement Amethyst, Lord Arcturus of the Elohim and his Divine Complement Victoria have all pledged themselves in Service in order to assist man’s Ascension. The dispensation of the Violet Flame provides man with the energetic and spiritual means to accelerate his own inner transformation from physicality into Light. St. Germain speaks to us here:

Dear Beloveds,

There is no greater immediate remedy for the ills that have befallen man than the Violet Flame. Its energies and consciousness are a great gift to all of humanity to release and transform negative energies that have long been held within the human subtle energetic system. With its application and your intent to come forward as an Initiate for Ascension, the Violet Flame is indispensable. Together with the Violet Ray of Freedom, Justice and Peace, you may expand and accelerate your transition into the Light. We await the final awakening of man to his plight and to pledge himself to his ultimate path to true Freedom. We are here to assist you and heed your decrees of the Violet Flame for yourselves and the planet. Unconditional Love, Mercy and Compassion are its fulcrum to bring about the shift into the New World of the Golden Age.

With Love and Great Encouragement for Your Victory,
I am St. Germain

Lord Sananda

Our beloved Lord Sananda, the galactic name for Ascended Master Jesus, fulfilled his mission on Earth and changed the world. He was taught, chosen and overshadowed by Lord Maitreya, was crucified, resurrected and then ascended back to God. Lord Sananda is the Master whose brief life left a legacy of teachings that spread worldwide and a life example for humanity to follow. He did not come to start a religion and to be worshipped, but rather to show us to how to be and to love our fellow man. “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father but by me,” he said (John 14:6). In his embodiment of Love and Christ consciousness in his lifetime as Yeshua, when his own people denied him, he changed the history and trajectory of mankind forever. Now, more than two millennia later, war, destruction of the planet and all manner of atrocities still continue. Nonetheless, the time for the evolution into fifth-dimensional Unconditional Love is at hand. Lord Sananda says:

My Beloved Children on Earth,

I treasure every one of you and the opportunity to tell you once more how you may raise yourselves out of the mire of self-judgment and despair and set your sights on the things that are above, the things that are heavenly. These things are laid before you still and provide a way for you to come back to Love and Peace for the benefit of All. The ways of war, hatred and destruction are dissolved by your loving intent, prayers and actions to build a world that values all people equally and with Love. You are needed, every one, to bring about the abundant life that you dream of. This is not a world built on materiality, but a world of lovingkindness for every soul. Each one teach one, each one help many, each one love All. I await your presences as you answer the call to be of Service to man, Love and Light and to feed my sheep.

With Never-Ending Love for You,
Lord Sananda

Goddess Sekhmet

Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet is a lion-headed, feminine protectress, embodying both feminine and masculine attributes. She helps us overcome our preconceived ideas of feminine and masculine archetypes, such as learning to be assertive, not aggressive, a quality we can all benefit from. Sekhmet is brave, bold, fiery and bright, while at the same time loving, motherly and caring. She, like Goddess Isis, epitomizes the Spiritual Warrior. Her battles are not fought in physicality, but rather by the application of Love and Wisdom of the heart, as it is to be with us. We must learn when to act and when to be still. The Warrior within surrenders to cosmic forces in order to align with and create the greatest power and flow. Sekhmet teaches us that that to surrender is to find inner strength. This is the key to growth and change for men and women alike. She says:

Beloved Ones,

There is no difference between you and I. A lion may purr and a cat may roar, it is the intent behind your expression that matters. A voice coming from the heart will be filled with love and truth, not hatred and venom. A spiritual warrior must find the courage to stand tall and strong to fulfill his or her duty, especially if required to do something not to his or her liking. A surrendered heart turns anger, jealousy and fear into love and the warrior becomes a peacemaker. Let me assist you to restore balance and harmony when your challenges test your mettle.

In Harmony with You,

Master Serapis Bey

Serapis Bey is the Chohan of the Fourth Ray of Ascension (White) and the hierarch of the Ascension Temple at Luxor, Egypt, where, as the Great Disciplinarian, he works with those chelas (students) whose focus is upon their Ascension and the clearing their personal temples. His focus is on discipline, purity and joy in the Ray of the White Light of the Ascension Flame that is fanned at the root chakra. From the White Light emanate structure and form and mathematics. Serapis Bey came from Venus with Lord Sanat Kumara to save mankind with the 144,000 and he was the high priest of the Temple of Ascension in Atlantis. In his lifetimes on Earth he was the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep II (architect of the Great Pyramid), the Spartan King Leonidas and the Greek sculptor Phidias who created the forty-foot high statue of Pallas Athena in gold and ivory in the Parthenon.

Dear Chelas,

I invite you to join me and to take the path to Ascension in your nighttime travels. It is necessary to clear and cleanse your chakras from all negative detritus from the past and to prepare to hold the White Light of Ascension without hindrance. A consistent effort of the application of training is required to attain this Victory and Freedom with the emblazoning of the three-fold Flame. Do not doubt your ability to stand in love and faith as you face all manner of challenges in your lifetime. I am ready to assist the serious student.

In Loving Service,
Serapis Bey


Ascended Master Thoth, or Tehuti, the Great Magician of Ancient Egypt, is considered to be father of the roots of Alchemy (the word being derived from chem or khem in ancient Egyptian), hence Egypt may be referred to as the Land of Khem, or the Land of the Black Sands. It is believed that this latter name gave rise to the magical arts being referred to as the “black arts”, being skewed to mean “evil” as opposed to coming “from the void” as light comes from out of the darkness.

Thoth forged the great link of consciousness between Atlantis and the then newly colonized land of Egypt. It is he who is responsible for the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The town of Hermopolis (or Khemnu) was dedicated to him in recognition of his achievements in education, mathematics, physics, technology and astronomy. He is now known as the Architect of the Universe. Across dimensions Thoth dictated to his Scribes many invaluable tomes on engineering. The fact that the monolithic lintels of Stonehenge look like the letter Pi can be ascribed to Thoth. The mathematical measurement of the Thoth cubit is Pi = 3.1416, as discovered by the Greek mathematician Archimedes. This measurement is found repeatedly in the Great Pyramid and many other sacred sites and structures around the world.

The iconic head of the ibis bird, with its long probing beak, was aptly assigned to Thoth, symbolizing how one must “dig deep” beyond the surface for the truth. His totem animal is the baboon, a sacred animal recognized for its intelligence. In Egyptian art the baboon is shown participating in many human activities, including dancing, playing musical instruments, picking fruit, making wine and beer, and even catching criminals.

He tells us here:


Today, as in olden times, you may choose your future or be borne by the winds and waters of constant change. The mystery of “magic” lies in your inner alchemy, your transformation beyond the duality of human life to the timelessness of Spirit, Immortality and Love. As you learn to master yourself and your emotions, you will master all that pertains to you and your life.

With loving focus and intent to Serve,
Master Magician Thoth

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel is known as the Angel of Wisdom and is often depicted carrying a book or a scroll. His name means “God is my light” or “Turn to God”. He is sometimes referred to as the Angel of Repentance and the angel who watches over thunder and terror. Sometimes he is depicted also as a cherub, as in the painting Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci. He is associated with the direction of the North, Winter, the element of Earth, the mind, knowledge, philosophy, religion and science. He gives the following message:

Beloved Students on Earth,

Know that all you encounter in the Earth plane is for your Highest Good. As you seek to expand your knowledge and wisdom, with an understanding that your mastery of self is ordained, allow my presence to filter through your form and to guide you towards the Grail of God that allows your inner Truth to be opened to you. Your time spent on Earth and its lessons are a precious gift that you will carry forward in your future lives, wherever they might be. Use your time wisely to the best of your ability and do not fear the night for this is where All Knowledge is birthed.

I AM Uriel,
Archangel of the Divine Presence