
3. Paul the Venetian and the Pink Rose Flame of Love, Creativity and Beauty

Ignite Your Heart's Creative Fire and Discover the Pink Rose Flame in this 50-minute Audio Class! 

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Are you ready to unlock the boundless power of Love, Creativity, and Beauty within you?

Step into the radiant energy of the Pink Rose Ray and Flame with this transformative audio class. Guided by Rev. Alison L. James, we will explore the profound teachings of Paul the Venetian, delving into the very essence of Source Love and its manifestation in your life.

In this illuminating audio class, you will:

  • Master the Art of Living Love: Learn to emanate pure Source Love, “I AM THAT I AM,” directly from your Heart Chakra.
  • Activate the God-Qualities of Love, Creativity and Beauty: Discover how to embody these divine qualities in your daily life.
  • Develop Discernment of Spirit: Gain the spiritual skills to navigate energies with Clarity and Wisdom.
  • Explore the Life of Paul the Venetian: Draw inspiration from his example and learn to apply his Wisdom to your own spiritual journey.
  • Experience a Guided Meditation: Deepen your connection to the Pink Rose Ray and Flame and integrate its transformative energies.

Join the countless individuals who have experienced profound Transformation through the teachings of Paul the Venetian and the Pink Rose Ray and Flame. Your journey to Radiant Love and Creativity can begin now!