July 13, 2022
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Monthly Remote Workshop Series
Lords of the Seven Rays and The Seven Sacred Flames
Session Four:
You are invited to join this workshop with
Lord Serapis Bey,
Chohan of the White Ascension Flame of Purification of the Divine Mother
and the Fourth Ray of Purity, Discipline and Joy.
Ascension is the highest Gift of God. If you would choose to step off the Wheel of Reincarnation, come learn the steps to Self Mastery and the Ascension Process as prepared for you.
Are you ready to move beyond fear and negativity in order to fulfill what is needed for your Ascension? Are you willing to fulfill your Individual and Collective service commitments?
Working with purity of the Divine Mother, and with Serapis Bey, the Great Disciplinarian of the Temple of Luxor, Egypt, we shall focus on alignment with your God Self through purification.
The Path of Ascension is the Path of Love. Meditation included.
July 13, 2022 7-8pm ET